Hosted By: Po Boy Archery
August 18-19, 2018

 Schedule Both Days: Assembly 8:30 AM, shotgun start 9:00 AM. Assembly 12:30 PM, shotgun start 1:00 PM.
 There are two 20-target rounds … Both rounds will be known (marked). Both rounds may be shot in one day.
 GBAA (regular or a Bowhunter) or GAA membership is required to shoot for the State Championship. A Guest class
is available for Non-GBAA / GAA members. Guests CAN NOT shoot for State Championship.
 NFAA and/or GBAA membership is available at the shoot prior to registration.
 Please mail pre-registration with your check, postmarked by August 8
th. You may also complete online registration
at gbaa.georgiaarchery.com by August 15
 LATE registration will be available at the shoot – minimum 1 hour prior to shoot time!!!

Mail to: Troy Hall 1392 Price Rd Wrightsville, GA 31096

Range location: 1636 Price Rd Wrightsville,GA 31096
Make checks to: Troy Hall

Directions: From Wrightsville take Hwy 319 North toward Bartow, go 8 miles from city limit sign then take the first dirt
road on left (Price Rd). Travel ½ mile and you are here.
Hotel Information: Best bet is Dublin, GA.

Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites 478- 272-7862,

Hampton Inn 478-272-1600.

Both are located on Highway 441 South at Interstate 16.

For more information contact: Troy Hall at troyhall9889@gmail.com or phone (478) 232-9889


Download Registration Form HERE 

Online Registration HERE