2017 GBAA State Field & SE


(NFAA Field, Animal and Hunter Round)

Hosted By: Ogeechee Bowmen of Savannah June 10-11, 2017

 Schedule: Both days assembly at 8:30 AM and start shooting at 9:00 AM.

 Saturday: 28 Field and 14 Animal Targets.

 Sunday: 28 Hunter Targets.

 NFAA or USAA membership is required to shoot for either Championship. GBAA or GAA membership is required to shoot for the Georgia State Championship. A Guest class is available for NFAA/USAA members outside of state or section or Non NFAA/USAA members. Guests CAN NOT shoot for State or Sectional Championship.

 NFAA and GBAA memberships can be obtained at the shoot prior to registration.

 Please mail pre-registration with your check, postmarked by June 3 rd . You may also complete online registration at gbaa.georgiaarchery.com by June 7 th . The tournament fee will be collected at check in

Directions: From I-95 and Hwy 204, take Hwy 204 West about 2 miles and turn Right onto Bush Road. Go about 2 more miles and turn Right onto Scott Stell Road. At Stop sign turn right and follow road to the back-right corner of the park. Range is in L. Scott Stell Community Park.

Hotel Information: Numerous hotels/motels and restaurants are located at Exit 94 at I-95 and Hwy 204. For more information contact: Ricky Diederich (912) 667-4534 or our club web site at www.ogeecheebowmen.com or email me at mail@ogeecheebowmen.com.

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