Hosted By: Coastal Empire Archers (Richmondhill)
July 6-7, 2024
• Schedule Both Days: Assembly 8:30 AM, shotgun start 9:00 AM. Assembly 12:30 PM, shotgun start 1:00 PM.
• There are two 20-target rounds … Both rounds will be known (marked). Both rounds may be shot in one day.
• GBAA (regular or a Bowhunter) membership is required to shoot for the State Championship. A Guest class is available for Non-GBAA members. Guests CAN NOT shoot for State Championship.
• NFAA and/or GBAA membership can be obtained at the shoot prior to registration.
• Complete online registration at https://gbaa.georgiaarchery.com/ by July 1st. Tournament fee for registrations made online will be collected at check in to the tournament.
• LATE registration will be available at the shoot – minimum 1 hour prior to shoot time!!!
Tournament Host: Dewayne Horton 912-433-1463 dewayneh2@outlook.com
Range Location: Richmond Hill WMA 803 Kilkenny Rd Richmond Hill, GA 31324-5545
Directions to range: Directions to range: From I-95 and exit 90 – Take exit 90 toward Richmond Hill. Stay on GA-144 E/Bryan Neck Rd for about 12 miles. Turn left (east) onto Kilkenny Rd toward Jake Brown Trail. Turn left at entrance into WMA about 0.2 miles past Jake Brown Trail. Facility is about 0.5 miles.
Hotel / Camping Information: Numerous hotels/motels and restaurants are located at I-95 and Exit 87 or Exit 94 (Hwy 204). Fort McAllister Campground is about a 12 mile drive from the range.
To sign up CLICK HERE
Entries Listed Below
Name | Gender | PIck Your Shooting Class |
Test Form | Male | ADULT Freestyle |
George Bales | Male | SENIOR ( 55-over) Bowhunter Freestyle |
Ricky Diederich | Male | SENIOR ( age 55- Up) Bowhunter Freestyle |
Tim Wehner | Male | SENIOR ( age 55- Up) Bowhunter Freestyle |
Brian Horton | Male | SILVER SENIOR ( age 60-69) Release |
maude73u7281 | Male | ADULT Barebow |
Shawn Lane | Male | ADULT Freestyle |
Dietrich Stallsworth | Male | ADULT Freestyle |
Audrey overton | Female | YOUNG ADULT (age 15-17) Freestyle |
Trip Penn | Male | SENIOR ( age 50-59) Release |
Kim Penn | Female | ADULT Bowhunter Freestyle |
Sean Aguirre | Male | ADULT Freestyle |
Buster marrall | Male | SILVER SENIOR ( age 60-69) Release |
Justin Hardy | Male | ADULT Bowhunter Freestyle |
David Howell | Male | SENIOR ( age 55- Up) Bowhunter Freestyle |
Shannon Padgett | Female | ADULT Bowhunter Freestyle |
James Padgett | Male | SENIOR ( 55-over) Bowhunter Freestyle |
lidawedge7011 | Male | ADULT Barebow |
Olivia Lesueur | Female | YOUTH (age 12-14) Freestyle |
James Godlewski | Male | ADULT Bowhunter Freestyle |
James Godlewski | Male | ADULT Bowhunter Freestyle |
Bill Henneman | Male | SILVER SENIOR ( age 60-69) Release |
Rodney Roberts | Male | SENIOR ( age 50-59) Release |
alejandrogilbert | Male | ADULT Barebow |
Richard Fraysher | Male | SENIOR ( age 50-59) Release |
belindafkv | Male | ADULT Barebow |
Wyatt Griner | Male | ADULT Bowhunter Freestyle |
Javier Olmo | Male | ADULT Bowhunter Freestyle |
Gregg Lewis | Male | ADULT Freestyle |
Simeon Edenfield | Male | ADULT Freestyle |
Simeon Edenfield | Male | ADULT Freestyle |
Kamron Ford | Male | ADULT Freestyle |
franziskasaiz75 | Male | ADULT Barebow |
damianmacrossan | Male | ADULT Barebow |
William Cate | Male | MASTER SENIOR ( age 70 & Over) Release |
Kenny Carter | Male | SENIOR ( age 50-59) Release |
Ted Goudeau | Male | SENIOR ( age 55- Up) Bowhunter Freestyle |
Jarrett Lee | Male | CUB ( age 11 & Under) Freestyle |
Jena Lee | Female | YOUTH (age 12-14) Freestyle |
William “Baker” Epton | Male | YOUTH (age 12-14) Freestyle |
Blake Ragon | Male | ADULT Freestyle |
Tyler Bashlor | Male | ADULT Freestyle |
Ashley Carter | Male | ADULT Freestyle Limited |
Ashley Carter | Male | ADULT Freestyle Limited |
Sean Aguirre | Male | ADULT Freestyle |
Haley Bashlor | Female | ADULT Bowhunter Freestyle |
Mason Selph | Male | ADULT Bowhunter Freestyle |
Tyler Bashlor | Male | ADULT Freestyle |
Sean Aguirre | Male | ADULT Freestyle |
monacolbert04 | Male | ADULT Barebow |
Michael mcphall | Male | ADULT Bowhunter Freestyle |
David RINER | Male | SILVER SENIOR ( age 60-69) Release |
David Medders | Male | SENIOR ( age 50-59) Release |
Alex Knight | Male | ADULT Freestyle |
Luke Knight | Male | YOUTH (age 12-14) Freestyle |
Troy Hall | Male | SILVER SENIOR ( age 60-69) Release |
Dink Butler | Male | SILVER SENIOR ( age 60-69) Release |
Dennis Johnson | Male | MASTER SENIOR ( age 70 & Over) Release |
Keith Dixon | Male | SENIOR ( age 50-59) Release |
Brian Boyd | Male | SENIOR ( age 50-59) Release |
Jack Dunham | Male | SILVER SENIOR ( age 60-69) Release |
Douglas Colburn | Male | YOUNG ADULT (age 15-17) Freestyle |
Ayaan Thakore | Male | CUB ( age 11 & Under) Freestyle |
Parthiv Thakore | Male | ADULT Bowhunter Freestyle |
Dink Butler | Male | SILVER SENIOR ( age 60-69) Release |